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Study Fields

The MSc program includes a set of courses that can be attended by those who meet the required conditions according to its Operating Regulations.

For optimal performance in the educational process, three (3) Study Specializations are distinguished:

Specialization 1:
Hazard, Disaster and Crisis Management
Specialization 2:
Environment and Climate Crisis in Education Policies
Specialization 3:
Climate Crisis, Environmental Management, and Governance
In collaboration with the Local Government Institute (ITA) and the Central Union of Greek Municipalities (KEDE)

Postgraduate Students can choose any specialization they wish according to their personal interest.

The duration of studies is set at 18 months. During the 1st and 2nd semesters, the courses are taught and during the 3rd semester, the Diploma Thesis is prepared. Each semester lasts 18 weeks. Each course is taught independently throughout the duration corresponding to it (2 to 4 weeks).

During the first two semesters, 10 courses are taught for each specialty (5 in each semester) and in the third semester the Master's Thesis is prepared. The total number of credits (ECTS) for the entire PMS cycle is 90, including the Master's Thesis.

A thesis topic is assigned to each student at the beginning of the 3rd semester. The Master's Thesis represents 30 ECTS. The student can, with the approval of the Coordinating Committee (SC), choose a topic for a Master's Thesis. It is also possible for the Master's Thesis to have another equivalent form besides a written thesis (e.g. video, visual exhibition, creation of a website, creation of software, etc.).

Every year one or more optional fied trips are carried out in areas in Greece with special environmental, geodynamic and social characteristics.

Finally, Postgraduate Students could voluntarily take part in research-scientific missions in areas of development of major environmental disasters, natural and technological disasters and crises.